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See how hackers take your account on today.

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There are some sophisticated methods that make it easy to handle.

1. Hackers can easily capture In this case, hackers use sophisticated sounding methods And if you can steal a hard disk then there is no talk. That's why big companies never save passwords in text
2. Hackers in the center of the server and the client, or between client interaction with two clients or router After that, the two parties managed to keep the information in disguise and then retrieve the information.
3. In fact, Trojan, but apparently innocent free downloadable program will come to you via e-mail or website. Download it to annihilate. Many times the computer that has been downloaded is the computer to log in to any site, typed the password and send it to the hacker. Which is called 'Memory Dumping'
4. This method is like handing over the PIN number of debit cards. The name of this system is 'phishing' With e-mail you can know that your information is being trafficked elsewhere on a legitimate website or account. A link will be sent to help you By clicking on that link, you can not go unknowingly on a fake website, just as the website is to be called to trafficking. Then, in the name of changing the old password, the username and password of the associated account will be taken from you.
5. And the last method is very common. Hackers using hackers' accounts, their birth date or date of birth, or anything in the name of their loved ones

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