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Universe Today

The history of the stars in the universe

I'm starting to congratulate everyone on my today's post. In front of my HSC exams, I can not post to Trickbd. Everyone will pray for me. And after the end of the test you will be able to give you a very good job. Let's start something about the universe ...
They (English: Star) are the brightest and the largest circular objects in Plasma. They produce their own fuel in high heat by reacting to nuclei acceleration. The heat and pressure arising from nuclear accumulation prevents gravitational contraction. After the death of a star after the death of a star, white dwarf or neutron they were created again and again. The nearest stars to the Earth are the sun. The reason for the shine is that, the energy produced by the reaction of nuclear acceleration in its center becomes transmitted from the external surface through the entire interior of the star. Almost all molecules heavier than hydrogen and helium were produced in the center of the star for the first time.
Astronomers can observe the stars' spectrum, the power of light, or the speed, its mass, age, chemical formation and many other religions. The total mass of the star determines its evolution and final outcome. Other religions are evaluated through evolutionary history, including diameter, rotation, pressure, and temperature. The picture that is found in a chart in contrast to the magnifying power of many stars is called Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Through this image, the current phase of evolution and its age can be determined.

The star's life cycle began with a cloud that collapsed. These clouds are mainly hydrogen, however there may be very little rare elements with helium. When the center of the star is quite dense, hydrogen nuclei accumulation of that center continues to become helium in reaction. From the remains of the star's interior, it is carried out in a mixed process of energy radiation and circulation. These processes do not allow the star to collapse, and the energy produced produces a sidereal air that spread radiation in the universe. He died of hydrogen fuel in the star. Depending on the mass of death, it is through different processes. However, before the death occurred, the star crossed a few generations, including the unarmed state
The mass of the mass of every generation is more than the previous generation. They can be lonely, and two or more people can form a tantra together. If two are usually rotating around each other, and the closer it gets closer, it also affects the evolution of one another.
They are a blazing firefly that consists of gas and dust. To know about the creation process, we must go back to the time of creation of the universe. In theory, the universe is created by a great explosion. Before they were created, the atoms of cold hydrogen, helium and other gases were scattered throughout the vast space of the space. This condition is called Gas Dust Cloud or Dust Cloud. It contained 75% hydrogen, 24% helium and carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and other gas 1%. And these hydrogen and helium were the primary components of creation. They may also be formed from the thin steam hydrogen clouds present in the middle of the constellations. The density of these gases is not uniform everywhere, but in every cubic area there are 100 million atoms.

Source: Wikipedia....

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