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What is POST and BEIP code?

From today's post we will know what is the computer post and beep code? Many of those people who use computers The computer was originally installed on the motherboard while it was in operation and it was directly launched from the BIOS firmware. If everything is ok then load the operating system from a boot partition with a beep.

Post (POST):

During the booting of all modern modern bods, check the motherboard and all the hardware connected with it. It's called Power on Self Test or POST in short.
Beep Code:

If a system fails to detect a problem, it generates different types of beep codes that sound like the motherboard. We can easily diagnose the problem of computer system In one bios system, the BEIP code is used in one form. (Note that if you turn on the PC, then there is a sound of chikon shouting. This is a beep code.)

The best known beep code:
>> 1 big beep and 2 small beep - video problem. Can not find video of the BIOS screen.
>> 1 big beep and 3 small beeps - Problems with video card. Or can not detect video card
>> Continued beep - due to RAM problems

>> To keep on booting slowly and slowly during the computer: Because the computer is very hot
IBM, Dell, Macintosh, Emmy Bios, different types of beep codes in Phoenix Those BIOS who have a PC, they can learn about Google's help. And if I do not get the opportunity, I will tell you by posting.

Normally the screen is visible only if the ram and video card are OK. If you do not have a boot device, you can see it in the form of text on the screen. It is very important to know the BEIP code for computer repair.

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