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Find out some basic tips on the WordPress site.....>>

Category: Wordpress by Gopal
The importance of Wordpress as CMS is unacceptable. About 60 percent of the websites that are currently using CMS are being made in WordPress. To make it easy to use, corporate startups are created from their personal websites. These popular websites are also targeted by hackers. And it is also important to ensure the safety of a WordPress website.

WordPress Basic Basic Security 10

Those who have created a new WordPress site need to ensure some basic security. Even if you do not have a goodman developer, you can follow these protections. Here are some of the basic security issues mentioned above on the WordPress website.
Use good web hosting
Many people use low-end or anonymous web hosting because of cost reduction. These web hosting providers can not provide better security for each site. As a result, these hosting websites are often victims of hacking. So those hosting providers should ensure that the organization is good and secure the site and take care of them..
Keep WordPress updated
Often Wordpress releases new updates by bringing their various bug fixes and features. It is better to update once the WordPress site updates these updates. The hackers attempted to hack into the old versions of various errors. So regular WordPress updates can be very safe to keep them safe.
Use strong passwords

Many people use names, mobile numbers, or birthdays, to keep in mind the password. That's not right. Known or Hackers can hack into your website by knowing or estimating these information through various means. So you have to use a password that you also have trouble remembering. You can enter a password with letters, numbers and symbols. Then the security of your site will be sure to be very sure.
Do not use 'Admin' as the user name
Admin is provided as default name when installing WordPress. Many do not change it. But it is better not to use Admin in the security of the site. Because hackers usually try to hack the site with default namespace. In this case, logging in with Admin will create a new user name. The new user will have to give full access or administration. Then log in with the new user name and delete the admin user.

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